Today's live data for Ikigai (ikigai) on the Solana blockchain is as follows:
The current price is approximately $0.0002174 USD. It has a 24-hour trading volume of $415.02 USD. The current market cap is $204,077.847 USD. The current fully diluted valuation is $204,077.847 USD. The total supply is 938,720,546.523 ikigai tokens. Ikigai price has decreased by 1.56% in the last 6 hours. Ikigai price has decreased by 0.95% in the last 24 hours. The volume to market cap ratio is 0.002.
Currently ranked #203 on CoinMun (based on total community votes), Ikigai has accumulated a total of 585 votes and received 0 votes in the last 24 hours.
Ikigai is listed on CoinGecko but not listed yet on CoinMarketCap.
Find more information about Ikigai (ikigai) by checking the official website, socials, and other relevant links provided on this page.
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